Post-it Mobility

Post-it Mobility

What’s the sitch with Post-it note mobility?

One of the positive features of my work-place is the unlimited supply of Post-It notes I have access to. Stacks as far as the eye can see of any color imaginable. I have blue, orange, white, green, pink, and yellow on my desk alone, and I’m relatively conservative with my Post-It usage compared to some of my coworkers. I use the little sticky scraps of paper for a variety of things, mainly notes to myself… notes that I want to post somewhere visible… I guess you could say I generally use the notes in the way they were intended to be used. 

Now, Post-It notes are great at staying put once stuck to something. And they have the capability to maintain sticking power through three, four, sometimes as many as five separate, “Post-It Transitions,” as they’re known in the sticky-note community. These are the features of Post-It technology that make the notes so valuable, and so prevalent, in office populations worldwide.

But the notes we write do differ in how mobile we need them to be. Some of the notes I write pertain to the work environment in which I am writing the note. So these notes can simply stay stuck to my desk until I complete the notated task or transcribe the notated information. The topics of other notes relate to tasks I need to accomplish when I get home, or to items I need to purchase at an extramural location. I may stick this type of note on my desk initially, but I then need said note to be mobile enough to come with me when I leave for the day. Due to a Post-It’s natural stickiness, it is hard to put one into a bag without it sticking to an unwanted medium, folding over in strange ways, collecting dirt and lint on its glue strip, or any number of other complications. It is unpleasant, and frankly, it’s a problem I’m surprised no one has dealt with.

This leads to the question, “How do I safely transfer a Post-It note if the transfer period is too long to simply carry the Post-It to its new home and if I have nothing to post the note on during said transfer period?” Or perhaps one should ask, “How can I use a Post-It note as simply a regular, nonstick, paper note?” This question is important because there are a number of reasons for wanting a Post-It to act more like a regular note. These include, but are not limited to, wanting to use the full backside of a Post-It for notations, only to run into the sticky portion (which is very difficult to write on). Or, if one wished to fold a Post-It into a paper airplane, God only knows how the glue strip would affect aerodynamics and flight stability. 

No matter your reason, on some occasions Post-Its are more valuable as a simple, two-sided, non-sticky note than as the sticky devils they are more commonly used as (especially when using upwards of 1,000 Post-Its a week). I’m sure many of you have had this problem and have been at a loss for what to do. You may have even had to bring in a regular notepad to supplement your stock of Post-Its; this mixing of note types can be really bad for overall moral and group dynamics. 

But what if I told you your organization can have its cake and eat it too? What if I revealed the secret to converting a Post-It into a fully-functional, non-adhesive, two-sided piece of paper? What if all of your Post-It problems could just go away? With my three step program, Post-Its can be converted to normal notes, right at your desk, with just a little bit of practice. Read on to discover my revolutionary method for potentially doubling your organization’s notational mobility!


Step 1: Place a blank Post-It note sticky side up on a flat surface 



Step 2: Place a second Post-It note sticky side up next to the first note, except reverse which end the glue strip is on.


Step 3: Take one of the Post-Its in front of you and place it on top of the other, glue side down, so that you then have two Post-Its stuck together! 


What you now have is a two-sided piece of paper that is free from outer glue strips, eliminating any potential for getting stuck on an unwanted surface! You would be amazed at the number of people who have struggled with these problems for years, only to find my three step program and have all of their note issues disappear. It is a revolutionary method that I am giving out for free, because I have struggled with Post-Its in the past and I don’t want anyone else to have to go through that. 

Please pass this information on to your coworkers!! It could be just enough to get this country up and running and again.

Bovine Uprising

Bovine Uprising

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